
AuthorJenna Szklarczyk

Survey of Emerging Risks – Risk Combinations

When risk managers are thinking about risks, cognitive biases that focus on recent risks often come into play. Train yourself to think with a longer time horizon, strategically, and in a way that allows risks to interact in combination with one other. The companies that encourage this are more likely to survive and make better decisions that allow them to thrive.

There are NOT two kinds of pension plans

Introductory presentations on pension plans often begin with an explanation that there are two kinds of pension plans: defined contribution and defined benefit. The problem with this starting point is that none of it is true.

Dominik Briault on actuaries in estate planning

For actuaries involved in the pricing and design of life insurance products, the sales process can be a bit of a mystery. Dominik Briault, FCIA, has seen both sides of the equation, first as a pricing actuary and now as an employee of an estate-planning organization. He joins us to share his experiences and provide advice for others looking to enter this non-traditional area of practice.

Remembering Brian Burnell

In 2022, the CIA presented its first set of Lifetime Awards for volunteer service. One of the recipients was long-time CIA member Brian Burnell, who passed away in 2021. In this episode, Paul Burnell, FCIA, joins us to talk about his father’s career and the influence that Brian had on his own decision to also become an actuary.

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